RBG mural encourages Broomfield to vote
Broomfield resident Christy Young-Lind says lunch traffic on Hwy. 287 and Miramonte Boulevard has a new noise — honking and people hollering “I love it!” as they drive by a fence-painted mural.
The owner of the fence, Andrea Minnich, told her the mural has been in the works all spring and summer, Young-Lind said. When the state highway department put in the brick sound wall in the late 1980’s, they placed it several feet into the public right of way instead of on the property line, leaving a gap of several feet between the old fence and the wall.
The mural — a call to vote featuring Ruth Bader Ginsburg as Rosie the Riveter — was started Sept. 19 and completed Sept. 24.
This mural at the corner of Hwy. 287 and Miramonte Boulevard has caught the eye of many a motorist driving past. (Christy Young-Lind, Courtesy photo)
Over the years, trash and debris built up between the sound wall and the dilapidated fence, Young-Lind said, and because Minnich was concerned for the safety of her family, she removed the old fence and built a new one. During the COVID-19 shutdown in April and May, she and Young-Lind, a friend from church, had planned a United States and Colorado flag collage with broom corn to represent the plant the city and county is named after. The length of the fence at more than 37 feet allowed them to add more art.
They chose a classic art piece from Japan, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” and the “Rosie the Riveter” World War II iconic art with the word “VOTE” in the center.
Minnich is known in the community as a “kind and sweet woman who will help anyone,” Young-Lind said, and was hesitant to put what could be considered by some a “strong statement” on the fence. Young-Lind said she convinced her that asking people to do their civic duty is not controversial and the design is “rated G.”
“The morning after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, Andrea painted the nearly 4-foot lettering herself, a neighbor named Kathy stopped by to help paint the U.S. and Colorado flag, and (I) painted the rest including putting RBG’s face on Rosie,” Young-Lind said.
People walking and driving by cheered and honked and stopped to talk and take photos of the artwork, she said, “some on the brink of tears.”
“Andrea is delighted as she wants everyone to know that the bigger message is of hope and love and optimism for the community and the world around us,” Young-Lind said. “Future designs for the fence may include pieces from Broomfield’s history.”
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