Finishes for Kelli
If you have been a long-time blog reader, you know I work in streaks. I will go crazy and in a short time I will finish up half a dozen UFOs only to not finish more UFOs for a long time. I will go crazy with decorating and then not do and for months. It’s just how I am. When the mood strikes, I do it. When it doesn’t, I don’t.
You will also know that Kelli doesn’t ever finish any of her own projects. I finish everything for her. For the most part, I don’t mind. She treats me pretty good and it’s a fair trade.
Not too long ago, I got in a finishing mood. I told Kelli that if she brought her cross-stitch stuff home that with finished, I’d fully finish it. I didn’t finish it all but I did finish a chunk of it. Read on and you’ll see what I did…
I’m going to apologize in advance that I don’t know the names of all of these patterns or if they are still available. At times I’ll make some educated guesses.
This was a punch needle project. Kelli had all of the punching done. It just needed to be finished. I am guessing that this was a Country Threads pattern. She had bought the box to put it on back when the shop was still open.
I finished the edges and hot glued it onto the box. Not a fancy finish but I think a good one.
Kelli plans to keep sewing notions in the box…scissors, marking pens, those types of things.
The next one I think is my favorite of the bunch…I think this might be a Country Threads punch needle too. I bought the basket at the thrift store for 50 cents. I finished the edges and glued this to the basket.
Here is a better picture of it. The piece will hang nicely on a peg.
Next up is another punch needle piece. I have no idea who designed this one.
I finished the edges and mounted it onto a vintage sardines box that had been varnished.
Here is the underside of the box.
I put it up on my shelf so you can get an idea of how it will be displayed.
This next one is a cross-stitch piece. I bought this BRIGHT green easel at the thrift store for 25 cents. I figured I would have to paint the green a different color. Then I saw Kelli’s cross-stitch piece and decided that if I used it with this “Easter” cross-stitch, I wouldn’t have to paint it.
Here is how it turned out. I mounted the piece onto sticky board. (YES, I know many of you don’t approve of sticky board. We don’t have a problem with it. This is not an heirloom piece.) I mounted that on a slightly larger piece of sticky board covered in green fabric. Then I did the same with a larger piece covered in orange fabric.
You’ll notice the last orange sticky board is larger so that there is room to accommodate the clip on the easel. I finished it off with a yellow bow. So cute. I’m thrilled I used that easel and didn’t have to paint it!!
That was a Lizzie Kate pattern…as is the next one….
The plan is to try to find a mini broom once Halloween comes around. We’ll attach it to the top. Kelli painted this piece with chalk paint some time ago so that part was ready.
You can see there are three layers. The cross-stitch, the black, and the orange. All are mounted on sticky board.
This is the last one. Neither of us can remember who designed this chart. If you want it, you can contact The Stitchery Nook. She bought the pattern there.
This is a $1 frame from the thrift store jazzed up with some checkered fabric and some burlap ribbon. The frame was already this color and already distressed.
I had a bit of trouble working on the cross-stitch pieces. Kelli stitched these when she first started stitching. She didn’t know that it’s best not to tie knots in the back. The knot made it hard to get the pieces to lie straight and flat. Thankfully she doesn’t make knots with her thread in the back anymore. It was a common mistake from someone new to stitching. Other than that, Kelli does great work.
Finishing these makes me want to pull out my punch needle stuff again. I haven’t punched in years. It’s a great hobby!! I do have a few patterns and the equipment here so why not?? Right??
I did all of these of Kelli’s but did none of my own. Soon I hope…soon. I’m going to finish my quilt first. Do you feel the Makers Market quilt deadline hanging over my head like I do?? There are so many things I keep saying I’ll do once that quilt is finished…soon. Be patient Jo. It’s just a week or so more and that quilt will be finished.