Fall Bucket List Ideas for the Family – Free Printable
Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the over sized sweaters. The crisp days, the sound and smell of the crisp dry leaves crunching under my feet, and the sweet smell of homemade apple crisp baking in the house. Each year, my kids and I try to pack in as much as we can before winter is upon us.
Here are the many family activities my kids and I try to accomplish every fall. This year, I made my Fall Bucket List a printable so you can keep up with the fun my kids and I are having. Make sure to print your copy so you can check off the boxes as you create the memory. Have a blast!! Fall Bucket List Apple Pickin’ Time; Go to your nearest apple orchard and look for the best apples Attend a Fall Festival Attend Oktoberfest Bake an apple pie–with a flaky, light, delicious crust–from scratch Bake Apple Cider Donuts Bake cookies shaped like autumn leaves Bring Fresh Pie to a Neighbor Buy roasted chestnuts from a street vendor Carve your own Jack-0-Lantern Celebrate the colors of the season Collect golden autumn leaves and use them to decorate your dinner table, windowsills, or any other surface you choose. Create leaf rubbings Decorate the front porch Decorate the mantle with a fall theme Do a nature scavenger hunt Do some Fall Cleaning Dress like a lumberjack and go chop some wood Eat a caramel or candied apple Eat pumpkin and apple pies Embrace sweater weather Enjoy some warm apple cider and sit out on the porch or balcony when it’s cool Enter a 5K (like the Zombie one) Enter a Chili Contest Fall Canning or preserving Find a foolproof recipe for a crock-pot meal or a hearty soup. Fly a Kite Get a 1000-piece puzzle with an autumn motif to put together on a chilly night. Get a Fall colored basket and fill it with autumn produce such as apples, grapes, pears, potatoes, Indian corn, nuts, and wheat. Get a large tub of water, fill it with apples, gather a fun group of people, and go bobbing for apples. Get special Fall Coffee Mugs. It can have brightly colored leaves on it, or a Halloween-theme, such as zombies or pumpkins. Get lost in a corn maize Get some nutmeg, cinnamon sticks, vanilla beans, and cloves, and make Fall potpourri. Add pine cones, twigs, and dried flowers. You can also get Yankee Candles in Autumn Wreath, Spiced Pumpkin, or Harvest. Get your face painted Go Antiquing Go bird watching. Go Camping Go for a walk and take in the clean, crisp autumn air. Enjoy the sound of leaves crinkling and crackling underneath your shoes. Go horseback riding Go Kayaking or Canoeing Go on a hayride. Choose between horse and buggy or a truck-driven hayride. Go on a scary hay ride Go on a Spooky Graveyard Tour Go to the local school’s homecoming game Go to New England (apparently, it’s the best kind of Fall) Grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte (Espresso, pumpkin-flavored syrup and steamed milk. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and pumpkin pie spices.) Have a bonfire Have a leaf catching contest Have a photo-shoot in a pumpkin patch or pile of leaves Have a toilet paper mummifying race Host a Garage Sale or spend an afternoon attending some Host a Harvest Party Host a Murder Mystery Party Host a Square Dance in your backyard Jump in a neatly organized pile of leaves Light an apple or pumpkin scented candle Listen to Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons – Fall. Make a classic apple crisp. Make a festive fall wreath Make a Harvest Broom and hang it from your front door. Make a pinecone bird feeder with the kids Make a snowman out of pumpkins Host a cozy wine and cheese night Make corn-husk dolls Make leaf art Make pumpkin bread from scratch Make pumpkin cupcakes, or pumpkin pancakes. Plan a winter vacation Plant acorns Plant an indoor herb garden. Plant Bulbs for next Spring Plant Fall Flowers Press leaves you collect in your journal Lay on the ground, face up, watching the leaves fall from the trees, and the clear blue sky beyond. Rake your neighbor’s lawn Read the books that were on your Summer To Do List Rent a cabin in the mountains and take in the fall colors Roast pumpkin seeds. Roast s’mores on a fire Sample all the different seasonal pumpkin flavored beers Snuggle on a porch swing Spend a Sunday afternoon doing nothing but watching football and eating chili. Spend the day at a nearby brewery Start an impromptu football game. Stay at a romantic B&B Tailgate at a football game Take a day trip and listen to your favorite Fall Mix Take a day trip to a town you have never been too Take a hike Take a walk through a park and try to catch falling leaves Take pictures of the changing leaves Tour a winery Visit a local Farm or Farmers Market Visit a National Park Visit a petting zoo Visit a pumpkin patch and choose several pumpkins to take home. Visit A Renaissance Fair Visit a Sunflower Farm Visit an indoor water park. Watch cheesy horror movies Watch the World Series Ideas for Halloween
Dress your pet for a Halloween Parade.
Be the house with the best Halloween candy on the block. Create a Halloween Tree and hang up ornaments shaped like Frankenstein, Dracula, skulls, and orange and black glass balls. Create a Halloween Village filled with creepy, scary Halloween themed houses, figurines and accessories. Creep through a Haunted House. Turn your home into a Haunted House Tour. Dance to The Monster Mash. Decorate for Halloween with witches, ghosts, skeletons, spider webs and all things spooky. Dress up and go to a costume party. Participate in a costume contest. Come up with pun-based costume ideas. Organize a Halloween party. Dress your pet for a Halloween Parade. Get your nails done like a witch. Go trick-or-treating. Have a horror movie night marathon. Have Caramel Apples Learn the Choreography to “Thriller”. Listen to your favorite Halloween songs. Make a scarecrow. Make Halloween-themed cupcakes. Read spooky stories like “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” or “The Telltale Heart”. Tell a ghost story. Visit a cemetery. Watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. Watch Beetlejuice. Watch Hocus Pocus.
How do you do Halloween? Ideas for Celebrating Thanksgiving
Eat pumpkin and apple pies Attend an NFL Thanksgiving game Attend the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Live Browse Through Photo Albums and reminisce. Decorate for Christmas while waiting for the turkey to cook. Educate yourself on the actual history of American Thanksgiving. Family Football Game. Family Game Night after dinner while you have coffee and pie. Go around the table and have each person give thanks for at least one blessing they’ve received this year. Go grocery shopping and put together Thanksgiving dinner for a family in need. Gratitude Note on each guest’s plate. Invite someone who doesn't have a place to go. Make a classic Thanksgiving meal: turkey with all the trimmings. Make a list of things you’re grateful for. Make hand-print turkeys. Make preserved leaf place cards that read “Thank God for Grandma”, “Thank God for Daddy”, etc. Remember loved ones who have passed. Serve Thanksgiving Dinner to a shelter or food kitchen. Set an elegant harvest table of Thanksgiving. Spend “Black Friday” making homemade gifts for loved ones. Start the day with an indulgent, relaxing breakfast. Take a Family Photo. Take a long walk together after dinner. Take the wishbone from the turkey and make a wish. Watch “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV.
What’s on your Fall/Autumn Bucket List?
Fall Bucket List Printable If you have a personal challenge you have faced and would like to share your story with My Everyday Challenges, visit What Was Your Challenge and send me an email. I would love to share your story and make you the star.
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Creating a Successful Journey now on sale on Amazon.
Reinvent Yourself: New Year ~ New Journey now on sale on Amazon.
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